Class Timetable

Take a look at some of our classes on video.....: CLICK HERE


All classes take place weekly. Ring to confirm. Separate Group sessions can be arranged on request. Classes listed focus on Functional Fitness (See below).


Advanced class (NEW!):

  • 11 am HOLLYMOOR: Hollymoor Centre, Manor Park Grove B31


  • 9.30am LONGBRIDGE - Greenlands Inn, 105 Longbridge Lane, B31 4LF
  • (Directly Opposite Longbridge Railway Station)
  • 11.30am NORTHFIELD - Allens Cross Com. Hall, Tinkers Farm Road B31 1RG
  • 2pm FALLS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME: Northfield Leisure Centre


  • 9.45am STIRCHLEY - Stirchley Baths, Bournville Lane, B30 2JT

(extra class due to demand)

  • 11am STIRCHLEY - Stirchley Baths, Bournville Lane, B30 2JT
  • 2pm HAWKESLEY - Community Centre,Edgewood Rd, B38 9RN


  • 10am NORTHFIELD - Moving Lives, Healthy Minds (See below)
  • 11.30am RUBERY - Fathers Barn, New Road, Rubery B45 9JA

FRIDAY: Advanced Class:

  • 10am WEST HEATH - More intensive, including floor exercises (booking required). West Heath Community Centre (Hampstead House), Condover Road B31 3QY


  • 11.30am WEST HEATH - West Heath Community Centre (Hampstead House), Condover Road B31 3QY


    • 9.30am LONGBRIDGE, Greenlands Inn, 105 Longbridge Lane, B31 4LF

            (Directly Opposite Longbridge Railway Station)

    Cost: £4.00 - first session free!

    A free exercise band is provided, which you can take home and keep. 


    We recognise that everyone is different in abilities and aim to accomodate different levels of fitness either through different versions of the exercise or the level performed.

    This is not a competitive event - every individual performs at a level they feel happy with!

    If you are not sure whether you can manage the class - please ring to discuss or you can request the Free Fitness MOT which you can undertake at home. We can then discuss what is best for you.

    Fathers Barn - Rubery

    Birmingham Activity Finder:

    We recognise that not everyone will find our classes suit them.

    Details of other classes provided in Birmingham by other provides can be found through the Sport Birmingham Activity Finder:



    We also promote our classes on 'Where can we go' website'  Link Here



    *Strength *Agility *Mobility *Balance *Co-ordination

    Functional Fitness is about exercising to improve your function - day to day life. It encompasses everyday / natural movements, focusing on speed, agility, range of motion, core strength, balance and flexibility.

    We also aim reinforce the 'FUN' in Functional! All of our classes are friendly and welcoming.

    Our body is a ‘system’ of many muscles all interelated. For example back ache can arise due to leg muscles. If we dont maintain whole body fitness we start restricting our movements, once we do that we enter a negative process of ‘deconditioning’. As we stop moving in particular ways this further impacts on other moves and when we cant move as much, we move less, put on weight and so it goes on…....


    But you can change that.


    Our bodies can respond and improve from exercise at any age!

    A functional fitness session incorporates exercises to help you develop:

    • whole body strength,
    • range of body movement and
    • balance

    These are all important to help you with day to day life, with the bonus that you are able to do more on a day to day basis, using up calories, enjoying life!

    Exercises can be progressed or regressed (made easier). We are all different, but wherever we start from we can improve.

    And hopefully you will find its fun!

    Every Class is a little different, we are not aligned to external company restrictions and can provide a varied programme to meet the individual needs of class members.

    Falls Management Exercise Programme -

    This evidence based programme (FaME) to support those vulnerable to falls. The class programme is funded through Northfield Neighbourhood Network Scheme and Birmingham City Council.

    Click for more details